
Which release to download?

Full or Core version?

Includes Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Pidgin, Remmina, Brasero, VLC, Transmission, non-free multimedia codecs and hardware drivers.

Does not include Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Pidgin, Remmina, Brasero, VLC, Transmission, ships with free multimedia codecs and drivers only.

32 or 64 bit?

Suitable for all Intel x86 compatible desktops, notebooks and netbooks.

Will work on modern computers with CPUs supporting x64 extensions.

Direct or Torrent download?

Download image file from server. Slower and less reliable in some cases.

Download image file with Torrent client. Requires Torrent client application.

Download server:

How to create Point Linux mirror in your country.

Direct link:  

Download Now!
Read the release notes
How to burn image on a CD/DVD or USB

Latest registered installs:*

20/10/24 21:47 Spain, ZaragozaMATE3.2
20/10/24 01:48 Chile, SantiagoMATE3.2
18/10/24 13:23 United StatesMATE3.2
18/10/24 12:31 United StatesMATE3.2
17/10/24 16:36 Mexico, VeracruzMATE3.2
17/10/24 07:31 United States, Jackson St ForestMATE3.2
17/10/24 02:35 Mexico, GuadalajaraXFCE3.2
17/10/24 02:13 Uruguay, MontevideoMATE3.2
16/10/24 22:46 Mexico, MexicoMATE3.2
16/10/24 22:23 Uruguay, MontevideoMATE3.2

Date and time shown in UTC.

Point Linux 3.2 registered installs: 27247
Total Point Linux registered installs: 66549**

*If the "Send anonymous installation report" checkbox was on.
**Logged since April 2013.

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